domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

The use of technologies

In this academic year, have incorporated the most representative subjects of the degree, with emphasis in the medical subjects. These, are the basis for the understanding animals in its normal physiological state, for later to go forward in the following years, in solution of the diseases that affect them.
For better development and understanding of these disciplines is necessary the use of technologies such as electrocardiograms, microscopes, chromatographs, PCR and many other tools, which it detail in a exhaustive way the functioning, depending of each study, of the organs, cells, compounds and molecules respectively. Entirely qualified to the students of the university.
When we do hindsight, we see that the pedagogy was done in poor conditions, in spite of it have emerged of positive way the older students. At present, the learning process, which is simultaneous with the use of technology, for students constitute a more dynamic and enriching experience.
The first time that we use the microscope to observe cell multiplication, we were able fully understand the explanations given by teachers about the biological process, reinforced through of the experience , the theoretical knowledge.
The use of technologies in the faculty to the support of learning essentially incorporates the vision, which is a method that involves a memorization faster and longer during (almost permanent) in the brain.
In conclusion, supported by appropriate material for each subject is indispensable for better development of student learning, because contributing to the explanation of these. T he learning becomes dynamic, permanent and enriching. When we use these tools, we are who directly manipulate these, which makes that we empirically prove each theory taught , leading to the emergence of new ideas that support this theory or refute of this to solve a problem.


Currently in the degree of veterinary medicine presents many challenges. Still is the same implements of earlier decades, which are the basic tools for clinical diagnostics, but as research has progressed new diseases have emerged which must be determined by methods differents at traditional. It has had to take tools from humans and don´t specialize in animals, although they serve, but they are not optimal because the animals have physiologies and morphologies, that sometimes are slightly different, but than at the time to be exact, are significant. Another option, and the most common in exotic animal clinic, is to make handmade materials, which isn´t advisable.
In social matters, which is very hand in hand with education, we could say that we're doing a very poor job. Today we see that people visit the veterinarian in a manner not very routine when your pet is sick, correct it would be that the pets will go a preventive control to prevent illness rather and not that it arrive almost dying.
One of the important aspects, so the degree of veterinary medicine has not been considered is due to the lack of control to insincere medicals, that are really fraudulent people who just want usufruct of love that people have toward their pets referred to a problem that affects 3 entities, pets, owners and real doctors who are called inefficient for fault of people without discretion
To improve or solve these problems that have arisen during the years is necessary that:1. It implements new technologies to better diagnoses translating to better treatments.2. Teaching the community through school programs, neighborhood associations, clinics and so on.3. Forcing that all the students graduates from veterinary medicine let to veterinary medical association, certified him of your quality of learning and the ability to exercise its title.
Para mejorar o solucionar estos problemas que han surgido durante años es preciso que :
1. Se implemente nuevas tecnologías para mejores diagnósticos traduciéndose a mejores tratamientos.
2. Enseñando a la comunidad a través de programas escolares, juntas de vecinos, consultorios etc.
3. Obligando que todo estudiante egresado de medicina veterinaria entre al colegio de médicos veterinarios, certificando a este de su calidad de aprendizaje y la capacidad de ejercer su título.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009


Currently the faculty of veterinary medicine is in first place in universities offering this degree. Moreover , the students have developed the humanistic area with volunteer veterinary work being carried out in rural areas of the country, which don´t have medical care.
However, there are situations that hinder optimal learning in faculty according to my opinion, for example, are ask for students to take many classes in the semester. In addition there are teachers who don´t pass the study material, making it difficult to take notes on what they say. All the above mentioned is leads to stress, lack of concentration and sleep which leads to many students withdraw from university.To improve the situation should to hire teachers and researchers separately, as there are researchers who really don´t like or can not teach. All teachers should to give supporting material to take notes during class. Another measure would be to extend more time the degree of veterinary. One of the last things is to incorporate new subject such as ethics and medicine of exotic animals.
Many people who enter veterinary medicine is because they want to care for the animals and they find that the most developed area is animal production. No means no care for the older animals in production but the purpose is different. Therefore, incorporating ecology, exotic animals, would encourage them to study and also the incentives to become better students with a good support during the years of study at the faculty of veterinary medicine.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

My animal favorite

My favorite animal is the camel, but the species that I admire is the bactriciano. The reasons why I love so much are:
First, its slow journey inspires me tranquility. I get the impression that when walking, it enjoys the landscape that covers. Their big eyes and long eyelashes give an impression of tenderness in its face, furthermore its enormous figure doormat remind me a teddy bear or giant dog.
To this animal I met him when I went to the zoo Metropolitano. The reason of the visit was to do a research on animal welfare on different species such as carnivores, herbivores, birds and ungulates, and on this last topic I chose him because it was alone in its yard. Its face of sadness and its mouth with slobber, moreover that when I took to photographs it was placed near the photograph camera and at camel liked that I make cuddle in its ears. All this happened led me to love to this animal so lovely.
To finish its most important features. The camels live in Middle Eastern countries, mostly living in Somalia. It provide to the people with milk, food and transportation. Camels do not keep water in their humps as is commonly believed. The humps have fatty tissue. It is relatives of the South American camelids, the llama, alpaca, guanaco, and vicuña. The average life expectancy of a camel is 40 to 50 years.
Their mouth is very sturdy, able to chew thorny desert plants. Long eyelashes and ear hairs, together with sealable nostrils, form a barrier against sand. Their gait and their widened feet help them move without sinking into the sand.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

The secret life of seahorses

It is surprising that a seahorse that it has the size of palm of your hand, it can show us peculiar characteristic s. Features like a pair the eyes that turn and a prehensile tail. For its beautiful appearance, they are endangered. But the most wonderful characteristics is the sex life of the seahorse. First, it is nose-to-nose. Second, wrapping its tails, both do a dance together and later swim head with its heads down. Finally, forming a heart with its touch snouts and bellies and the joint of their tails. It courtship may be for long hours, risking itself lives.
Of the female emerge a tube since its belly that penetrate to male, passing liquid with eggs. Therefore are the males who care to its sons during all the time that the pregnancy. It example of reproduction don´t is same to the mammals, because in it, is of female who feed to its pups in the womb.
Other curious date, is that the great majority of female seahorse are loyal to its couples, despite that the male is who is in pregnancy. The seahorses are monogamous in the breeding season, sometimes the couples, get back together again in the year following.

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009

What to do and where to go in Santiago.

I am not from Santiago, therefore I cannot speak much of this one, but if to recommend any interesting places that me have pleased of it.
You must visit the hill San Cristóbal, it is one of the places most beautiful that are in the center of city and that it contribute a natural environment. This place possesses numerous alternatives as going to the zoo and to observe the original fauna of Chile and of other countries, to this enclosure him one adds the funicular ones that use for transport.
In addition, in the top of the hill one finds an enormous statue of the virgin, which is part of the religious culture of Chile (the great majority of the Chileans are catholic). Hitherto it is possible to come in different transport as bicycles, afoot, in car and one of most entertaining, they are the cable railway.
In the surroundings there are binoculars, from which it is possible to have the great one panoramic of the city. There they find restaurants of high prestige, and small business, but also it is possible to realize a field day, since there are tables to do picnic.
Handcrafted fair Santa Lucia, it is a good place to know part of the Chilean culture. Many craftsmen meet to offer diverse products typical of the diverse zones of the country, such as jackets of wool of alpaca (north zone), jeweler's shop Mapuche (south zone) etc.
Lastarría is a street in which they have installed numerous places dedicated to the gastronomy, preferably there are coffees(cafés), each one betting on a different alternative in his setting as for example romantic style, of the eighty, contemporary, Arabic etc. Besides one famous ice-cream parlour called Emporium The Rosa, who offers ice creams with exclusive flavors of the shop, one of the most exquisite, petals of rose and chocolate pepper. Also exist some shops of contemporary art so much in fashion as diverse articles.
Finally, the MAC (museum of contemporary art) and the Museum of Bellas Artes, they are museums located in the Parque Forestal where national artists appear and internationally to expose his projects in painting, sculpture, in photographs etc.For a night of party, Santiago takes places to visit, Bellavista and Suecia. Both places, they do fusion of pubs, discoteque and karaoke. The 2 are absolutely recommended!

sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

To be A Chilean is more that to have born in Chile, is to feel self identified with your culture, with the environment that surrounds it, beside to be a participant of the development of the country.
The being Chilean is considered to be, on one hand, like a person who is very compromised by what wants. She is a good person, hurts with the foreign suffering, is very sentimental.
On the other hand, abroad he is considered to be a thief, sluggishly and unpunctual.
The Chileans should to be proud of our land, of the environment that surrounds us. Chile to the being very long country, has varied environments for example in the North the desert, at east the mountain, at West we have the sea and in the South a rainy weather, moreover of Isla de Pascua, and other island. Too we have diverse cultures, as Atacameños, Mapuches etc,
We have our own music and dance, like the music Andina, the Cueca, la Guaracha, La Tirana and more and also we have a delicious food. We have a lot of benefits of which we can take advantage for the tourism.
We have that to be ashamed about the characteristics that I mentioned in the previous point.
This year didn´t affect me directly On September 11. Every was very calm in The Pintana, at least in the morning. It affected me indirectly, since they closed early the supermarket more of the habitual.
I think that September 11 is one day which it is necessary to remember as any other milestone in the history of Chile.


I don´t know the pre- Transantiago system. They have said to me that before the Transantiago system was very dangerous for the drivers, because the thieves were aggressive, get up to the locomotion they caught the money of the tickets, they were using weapon to intimidate them as pistols, knives etc. The good is that now it doesn´t happen, since the drivers don´t handle the money.
The other hand, before there were more tours, now with the modifications, many people they have to walk big distances to go up the autobus that before was taking near your house or to take many transfers.
I still didn´t arrive to Santiago to study when was the change of the system of transport, but have said to me that when began the Transantiago, the buses were going replete with people, that even they to went out of the doors since the traffic was slightly frequent, in addition the subway also it was saturated of persons. Nowadays this situation has been regularized, because they have added new routes, besides more number of buses.
It would add mas centers where to be able to load the bip and that these should be located in the populations since many are in the subway staying far from the alcanze of the persons who live more to the periphery so it would diminish the frequency of the people who doesn´t pay.
If a purse is placed in the bus it would get back to have the assaults to the drivers.
I would lower the value the ticket of the adults.
I think that it is a good system of transport, since there is a lot of information that indicates the tours and schedules, in addition the bus has very much space and the drivers already don´t so fast.

who let the dogd out?

is very funny!

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

My favorite country

I woull like go to France, because is a country woderfull. France has Architecture very old. I admire the Gothic style like Chartres, Amiens and Notre Dame, furthermore its style rococo like the Palace of Louvre and finally, the most spectacular, the Eiffel Tower made by Gustavo Eiffel. I like so much that I drew it. In addition, the French idiom I associate it with the romanticism, as well as ˆPepe le Pewˆ (stinking mofeta of looney tunes).
The things that I know of France but not near, has been some French, Therefore a little your idiom. Moreover I know movie very famous that calling ˆLe monde fabuleux d'amelie poulainˆ, it is mi favorite movie. A thing that I know of the French gastronomy is the Champagne, but the original must be thousand richer compared with the that is done in Chile.
My dream is to take a cup of coffee looking at the Eiffel Tower, (and that some day I will do it, I can´t not live it). As well as I want to rise to the Eiffel Tower. Others things that I would like to do is to be a spectator of Tour of France and the Round of Roland Garros.
I would like to do three things: to work, to study and to live there. One of the motives of to study is because in Toulouse arose the first school of veterinary therefore must be to the forefront of many topics of Medicine Veterinary.

martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

Description of my life in the third term

In my first term of 2009 I had good and bad things. The first, the bad things was to begin the term with very little cash because I didn´t work in the summer, therefore I had that think two times before of spend one money. Moreover, my cohabitant of de bedroom was too much talkative and not only that, she talked very strong. The other hand, I changed of bedroom. It is little but cozy. I live now with two girls. They are called Victoria and Beatriz. Victoria study graphical design and Beatriz study Medicine Veterinary, she is in the second term of the career. The best of living together is that we wake up to same hour, furthermore that I teach her some matters. One the best thing was that I raised my qualification and I didn´t give recuperative test. And the maximum were the practices with bovine!!!
I did belly dance but I moved back. My free time activities wasn´t much. When I had free time went with my boyfriend to cinema. We saw angels and demons, Vicky Cristina Barcelona and UP between others. I preferred resting that to go out.
The challenges was that I didn´t to my family in four months (since that I entered to class). I had that saw to my boyfriend once a week.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

a photograph you like: VILCHES ALTO

It photograph is Vilches Alto, located in VII Región del Maule, Talca, Chile. It is near of the town called San Clemente.
It photograph was took by my big brother called Pedro.
It photo show the summit of the mountain chain.
The blue mountain that has snow is called Cerro azul, and next is El Descabezado.
It was taken in February of 2008.
I like because is a place very hidden and is especial.
It was my holidays of summer. It place is beautiful but I walked a lot, moreover I burned the skin. I saw different animals like condors, lizards, foxs and others. I was to mountain with my brother, my nephew and my cousin. We had that to assemble a tent nex to a giant rock for that the wind was not disarming it. The trip was very enterteining

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is the MP3.
I got it from beginning of the year, because i lost the other MP3.
I use for record, hear music, and keep Documents.
I use all day for record the class and sometimes for hear music.
I like because i can lot of things. I have even a movie, moreover i have a book, favorite music like jazz and soundtrack of movie Amelie, pdf and more.
I without it , i couldn´t study and fun me