miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

The secret life of seahorses

It is surprising that a seahorse that it has the size of palm of your hand, it can show us peculiar characteristic s. Features like a pair the eyes that turn and a prehensile tail. For its beautiful appearance, they are endangered. But the most wonderful characteristics is the sex life of the seahorse. First, it is nose-to-nose. Second, wrapping its tails, both do a dance together and later swim head with its heads down. Finally, forming a heart with its touch snouts and bellies and the joint of their tails. It courtship may be for long hours, risking itself lives.
Of the female emerge a tube since its belly that penetrate to male, passing liquid with eggs. Therefore are the males who care to its sons during all the time that the pregnancy. It example of reproduction don´t is same to the mammals, because in it, is of female who feed to its pups in the womb.
Other curious date, is that the great majority of female seahorse are loyal to its couples, despite that the male is who is in pregnancy. The seahorses are monogamous in the breeding season, sometimes the couples, get back together again in the year following.

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