domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009


Currently in the degree of veterinary medicine presents many challenges. Still is the same implements of earlier decades, which are the basic tools for clinical diagnostics, but as research has progressed new diseases have emerged which must be determined by methods differents at traditional. It has had to take tools from humans and don´t specialize in animals, although they serve, but they are not optimal because the animals have physiologies and morphologies, that sometimes are slightly different, but than at the time to be exact, are significant. Another option, and the most common in exotic animal clinic, is to make handmade materials, which isn´t advisable.
In social matters, which is very hand in hand with education, we could say that we're doing a very poor job. Today we see that people visit the veterinarian in a manner not very routine when your pet is sick, correct it would be that the pets will go a preventive control to prevent illness rather and not that it arrive almost dying.
One of the important aspects, so the degree of veterinary medicine has not been considered is due to the lack of control to insincere medicals, that are really fraudulent people who just want usufruct of love that people have toward their pets referred to a problem that affects 3 entities, pets, owners and real doctors who are called inefficient for fault of people without discretion
To improve or solve these problems that have arisen during the years is necessary that:1. It implements new technologies to better diagnoses translating to better treatments.2. Teaching the community through school programs, neighborhood associations, clinics and so on.3. Forcing that all the students graduates from veterinary medicine let to veterinary medical association, certified him of your quality of learning and the ability to exercise its title.
Para mejorar o solucionar estos problemas que han surgido durante años es preciso que :
1. Se implemente nuevas tecnologías para mejores diagnósticos traduciéndose a mejores tratamientos.
2. Enseñando a la comunidad a través de programas escolares, juntas de vecinos, consultorios etc.
3. Obligando que todo estudiante egresado de medicina veterinaria entre al colegio de médicos veterinarios, certificando a este de su calidad de aprendizaje y la capacidad de ejercer su título.

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