sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

To be A Chilean is more that to have born in Chile, is to feel self identified with your culture, with the environment that surrounds it, beside to be a participant of the development of the country.
The being Chilean is considered to be, on one hand, like a person who is very compromised by what wants. She is a good person, hurts with the foreign suffering, is very sentimental.
On the other hand, abroad he is considered to be a thief, sluggishly and unpunctual.
The Chileans should to be proud of our land, of the environment that surrounds us. Chile to the being very long country, has varied environments for example in the North the desert, at east the mountain, at West we have the sea and in the South a rainy weather, moreover of Isla de Pascua, and other island. Too we have diverse cultures, as Atacameños, Mapuches etc,
We have our own music and dance, like the music Andina, the Cueca, la Guaracha, La Tirana and more and also we have a delicious food. We have a lot of benefits of which we can take advantage for the tourism.
We have that to be ashamed about the characteristics that I mentioned in the previous point.
This year didn´t affect me directly On September 11. Every was very calm in The Pintana, at least in the morning. It affected me indirectly, since they closed early the supermarket more of the habitual.
I think that September 11 is one day which it is necessary to remember as any other milestone in the history of Chile.

1 comentario:

Carola dijo...

It`s good that 11th of September didn´t affect you directly