sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009


I don´t know the pre- Transantiago system. They have said to me that before the Transantiago system was very dangerous for the drivers, because the thieves were aggressive, get up to the locomotion they caught the money of the tickets, they were using weapon to intimidate them as pistols, knives etc. The good is that now it doesn´t happen, since the drivers don´t handle the money.
The other hand, before there were more tours, now with the modifications, many people they have to walk big distances to go up the autobus that before was taking near your house or to take many transfers.
I still didn´t arrive to Santiago to study when was the change of the system of transport, but have said to me that when began the Transantiago, the buses were going replete with people, that even they to went out of the doors since the traffic was slightly frequent, in addition the subway also it was saturated of persons. Nowadays this situation has been regularized, because they have added new routes, besides more number of buses.
It would add mas centers where to be able to load the bip and that these should be located in the populations since many are in the subway staying far from the alcanze of the persons who live more to the periphery so it would diminish the frequency of the people who doesn´t pay.
If a purse is placed in the bus it would get back to have the assaults to the drivers.
I would lower the value the ticket of the adults.
I think that it is a good system of transport, since there is a lot of information that indicates the tours and schedules, in addition the bus has very much space and the drivers already don´t so fast.

2 comentarios:

Miss dijo...

I don´t know the pre- Transantiago system. They have WW said to me that before the Transantiago system was very dangerous for the drivers, because the thieves were aggressive, get up to the WW locomotion they caught the money of the tickets, they were using weapon to intimidate them as pistols, knives etc. The good is that now it doesn´t happen, since the drivers don´t handle the money.
WW The other hand, before there were more WW tours, now with the modifications, many people they have to walk big distances to go up the autobus that before was taking near your house or to take many transfers.
I still TENSE didn´t arrive to Santiago to study when was the change of the system of transport, but WW have said to me that when^began the Transantiago, the buses were going WW replete with people, that even they to went out of the doors since the traffic was slightly frequent,PUNCTUATION in addition the subway also it was WW saturated of persons. Nowadays this situation has been regularized, because they have added new routes, besides more number of buses.
It would add mas centers where to be able to load the bip and that these should be located in the populations since many are in the subway staying far from the WW alcanze of the persons who live more to the periphery so it would diminish the frequency of the people who SVA doesn´t pay.
If a purse is placed in the bus it would get back to have the assaults to the drivers.
I would lower the value the ticket of the adults.
I think that it is a good system of transport, since there is a lot of information that indicates the tours and schedules, in addition the bus has very much space and the drivers already don´t so fast.

well done!! be careful with some words in Spanish that sound a bit weird in English. You know these words!!!
Good ideas, and you remember the connectors

p.s. you got a 5.7

Génesis dijo...

They have told to me.
Get up to the transport.
But have told to me.
The buses were going packed with people.
Moreover, before there were more route.
In addition, the subway also it was busy of persons.
From the reach of the persons