jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

My favorite country

I woull like go to France, because is a country woderfull. France has Architecture very old. I admire the Gothic style like Chartres, Amiens and Notre Dame, furthermore its style rococo like the Palace of Louvre and finally, the most spectacular, the Eiffel Tower made by Gustavo Eiffel. I like so much that I drew it. In addition, the French idiom I associate it with the romanticism, as well as ˆPepe le Pewˆ (stinking mofeta of looney tunes).
The things that I know of France but not near, has been some French, Therefore a little your idiom. Moreover I know movie very famous that calling ˆLe monde fabuleux d'amelie poulainˆ, it is mi favorite movie. A thing that I know of the French gastronomy is the Champagne, but the original must be thousand richer compared with the that is done in Chile.
My dream is to take a cup of coffee looking at the Eiffel Tower, (and that some day I will do it, I can´t not live it). As well as I want to rise to the Eiffel Tower. Others things that I would like to do is to be a spectator of Tour of France and the Round of Roland Garros.
I would like to do three things: to work, to study and to live there. One of the motives of to study is because in Toulouse arose the first school of veterinary therefore must be to the forefront of many topics of Medicine Veterinary.

7 comentarios:

Carola dijo...

I hope that some day you can drink a cup of coffee in France!! Can I go with you??? XD

Gabriela Lopez Jimenez dijo...

I love the country you chose
is so romantic all!

weirdfish dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
weirdfish dijo...

We MUST go together to france in a couple date... so, when I find some boyfriend I'll tell you and we buy the passages

Mile dijo...

france is obviosly my first chooise nice work
see you soon

Miss dijo...

I SP woull like go to France, because is a country SP woderfull. France has Architecture very old. I admire the Gothic style like Chartres, Amiens and Notre Dame, furthermore its style rococo like the Palace of Louvre and finally, the most spectacular, the SP Eiffel Tower made by Gustavo Eiffel. I like so much that I drew it. In addition, the French FC idiom I associate it with the romanticism, as well as ˆPepe le Pewˆ (stinking mofeta of looney tunes).
The things that I know of France but not near, has been some French, Therefore a little your idiom. Moreover I know movie very famous that calling ˆLe monde fabuleux d'amelie poulainˆ, it is mi favorite movie. A thing that I know of the French gastronomy is the Champagne, but the original must be thousand richer compared with the that is done in Chile.
My dream is to take a cup of coffee looking at the Eiffel Tower, (and that some day I will do it, I can´t not live it). As well as I want to rise to the Eiffel Tower. Others things that I would like to do is to be a spectator of Tour of France and the Round of Roland Garros.
I would like to do three things: to work, to study and to live there. One of the motives of to study is because in Toulouse arose the first school of veterinary therefore must be to the forefront of many topics of Medicine Veterinary.

you onnly need to learn English FIRST!! Now French people hat English so you wouldn't have any problem...
Try to develop you r ideas a bit more and with the examples support them ok?


p.s. you got a 5.3

Génesis dijo...

I would like go to France.
Because is a country wonderfull.
Eiffel Tower made by Gustavo Eiffel.