martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

Description of my life in the third term

In my first term of 2009 I had good and bad things. The first, the bad things was to begin the term with very little cash because I didn´t work in the summer, therefore I had that think two times before of spend one money. Moreover, my cohabitant of de bedroom was too much talkative and not only that, she talked very strong. The other hand, I changed of bedroom. It is little but cozy. I live now with two girls. They are called Victoria and Beatriz. Victoria study graphical design and Beatriz study Medicine Veterinary, she is in the second term of the career. The best of living together is that we wake up to same hour, furthermore that I teach her some matters. One the best thing was that I raised my qualification and I didn´t give recuperative test. And the maximum were the practices with bovine!!!
I did belly dance but I moved back. My free time activities wasn´t much. When I had free time went with my boyfriend to cinema. We saw angels and demons, Vicky Cristina Barcelona and UP between others. I preferred resting that to go out.
The challenges was that I didn´t to my family in four months (since that I entered to class). I had that saw to my boyfriend once a week.